Le ruban rouge

About the Monegasque Artist

A beautiful and lengthy career in fashion, especially Haute Couture, has instilled in me a taste for clean lines and clear, concise designs. Whether it’s fashion or painting, I prefer to get straight to the point without unnecessary frills.

Feeling a strong need to connect my two disciplines, I searched for a link that could captivate me… and I chose to incorporate volumes in various fabrics into my canvases. I then created the layering of large ruffles that I sewed onto my paintings to achieve a third dimension, and I realized that my paintings began to speak to me.

From there, I thought it would be interesting to cut, paint, and apply the same canvas as the quality of the painting onto the painted work for a play of reliefs sometimes a bit wild and disorderly. From this process, the idea of elements always cut from the same canvas but this time, extending beyond the edges of the frame, was born. These are the paintings that explode. An arm, a leg, or hair leaves the scene to land on the wall, giving an air of freedom.

My paintings stem from personal exploration, with subjects evoking the timeless nature of elegance and a spectacular aesthetic. My approach has no references and resembles nothing else… at least, that’s what I hope for.

Oscar Wilde’s quote: “I can resist everything except temptation.

Article in English: « Fashion inspires my paintings »

Article in French: « La mode inspire mes peintures »

Check Elizabeth Wessel’s Art here:





Ce Casque d’Art invite a la réflexion sur l’importance de l’espace vital que tout un chacun exprime différemment.

Derrière une impression visuelle de discipline stricte et rigoureuse de l’équitation s’échappe et s’envole une sensation exaltante de liberté.

L’artiste exprime cette contradiction apparente à travers l’incontournable damier et la lierre grimpante et sauvage : une harmonieuse combinaison intemporelle bouleversée par la vision d’une crinière blonde retenue par un ruban d’un rouge flamboyant.

Telle est sa vision de toute la noble diversité de cette discipline.


This Art Helmet invites reflection on the importance of vital space, which everyone expresses differently.

Behind a visual impression of the strict and rigorous discipline of horse riding escapes and soars an exhilarating feeling of freedom.

The artist expresses this apparent contradiction through the inevitable checkerboard and the wild, climbing ivy: a harmonious and timeless combination disrupted by the vision of a blonde mane held back by a blazing red ribbon.

This is her vision of all the noble diversity of this discipline.


Art Helmet made on an UVEX Equestrian helmet

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